23rd March 2019: The Hexad Singers

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23/03/2019  5:00 pm – 7:30 pm

“My Love She Mourneth: From Despair To Joy”

with music from Cornysh, Byrd, Stanford and Debussy

The Hexad Singers, an ensemble of young singers from Oxford and Cambridge, are bringing a programme to Concerts for Craswall which showcases gems from the English Renaissance for men’s voices contrasted with 20th and 21st century works.  This includes compositions by four living composers and the premiere of a work written specially for the occasion.

The expansive and richly textured motets of William Byrd form the backbone of the programme which traces a typically Lenten theme: darkness to light, despair to joy. Works in English from the likes of Matthew Martin and Charles Villiers Stanford, alongside the impressionistic French composers Claude Debussy and Francis Poulenc, explore the wide-ranging ways of writing for this combination of voices, often considered solely an early music group.

Ticket Prices (on sale 28 January 2019)

Standard £15.00

Students under 25 £7.50


Venue: St Michael’s Church, Michaelchurch Escley

Venue Website: http://www.bmgparishes.org.uk/our-churches/our-churches-3935.php

Address: St Michael’s Church, Michaelchurch Escley, Herefordshire, HR2 0JW, United Kingdom

Description: Quite a large church for a small village, Michaelchurch Escley was restored in the nineteenth century. This was done with a tad more sensitivity than was always the case, although the grim message over the Victorian lych gate is not necessarily encouraging. Apart from that, the most obvious external addition is the west tower from 1897. Inside, the screen is from a similar period, although the Art Deco pews are a little later. The most striking aspect in the church, however, is the medieval wall painting of Christ of the Trades.