Annual Friends Subscription 2024


SKU: Friend-24-1-1 Category:


The “Friends of Concerts for Craswall” subscription programme aims to bring our supporters closer to our charity and our musicians. There is a strong family of Friends who regularly come to our concerts.

As a Friend you will be:

  1. kept in touch with our plans and events through an annual newsletter and regular updates
  2. offered early booking for each concert promoted by Concerts for Craswall
  3. invited for a small fee to a Friends reception

Annual subscriptions are £15.00 per person or £25 for two persons living at the same address.  Discretionary donations are also welcome.

Please consider becoming a Friend of Concerts for Craswall. We value the support of our concert goers and would like to get to know you even more.



Additional information

Friends Subscription

Individual, 2 People at the same address, Discretionary (£20), Discretionary (£30), Discretionary (£50), Discretionary (£75), Discretionary (£100)