Be Part of the Concerts for Craswall Experience!
The annual Friends of Concerts for Craswall subscription represents good value for money. So say you, our existing Friends. Please renew your support and help us to sustain these wonderful concerts. Annual fees are £15 per individual or £25 for two persons living at the same address.
Discretionary donations are also welcome.
Renewal Options
If you currently pay by standing order, please read the notice re standing orders first before choosing this option.
To renew your subscription via the website click here Pay by PayPal, BACS or cheque. Don’t forget to tick the Gift Aid box on the checkout page.
If you previously paid your annual Friends subscription by standing order and now want to switch to paying online, once you have completed the online renewal, please do not forget to cancel your existing standing order or you may be charged twice.
Standing Order
If you already pay by standing order, and your personal, bank or subscription details have not changed, you do not need to do anything. Your renewal and payment will be automatic.
If any of the above have changed, however, you can complete a new Standing Order Form 2019 and send it to your bank directly. Do not forget to cancel the existing standing order or you may be charged twice.
If you have not already done so, and are a UK tax payer, please consider completing a Gift Aid declaration for your subscription. Please complete the necessary Gift Aid Form and return to The Members Secretary at the address shown.
In Person
Contact the Members Secretary for details.
Please contact the Members Secretary via our contact form
Important Notice For Existing Friends
If you already pay by standing order, and your personal, bank or subscription details have not changed, you do not need to do anything. Your renewal and payment will be automatic.